Timelines Of My Future

Timelines Of My Future


Timelines of My Future delves into a fascinating collection of Skylie Cash’s real-life stories intended to open you up to the wonder of imagination, possibility, and the potential of your true soul’s expression and frequency.

Understanding the frequency of your pure consciousness allows you to realise your purpose and ultimate preferred reality. When you align with your divine timing and lean into the path of least resistance, you become deeply in tune with your soul’s consciousness. Living from this perspective, you can experience all timelines at once, while having the power and connection to be in this moment.

Times of My Future has been a thought, a feeling and a knowing for twenty years. A moment in time that Skylie knew would manifest, but often wondered if it ever would.

This book encourages you to trust, surrender and detach from fears and emotions holding you to your current timeline. When you notice life’s signs and synchronicities, you begin to follow the breadcrumbs from your future self. You free yourself from endless time loops and move easily through space and time to fulfill your purpose while enjoying the journey!

Quotes from the book:
Someone else’s experience isn’t your reality.

When you can be the witness of your experience, while being grounded on this timeline, you become the magician and ultimate observer.

“Coding” creates frequency.


“We learn through people like Skylie Cash. She has unwound all aspects of the past, present and future and does so in a way you can understand while reading Timelines of My Future. Skylie is ahead of her time and can assimilate all the codes, patterns and frequencies of this human experience. She decodes these complex ideas and shows us what source energy has to teach us through synchronicities and magical events."

–Philippa Joy Hense

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Everyone has their own unique understanding of how the universe works; this is what I have discovered through my journey. 

Twenty-two years ago, I was introduced to the power of the multidimensional experience we are living. I had no idea it would lead to the experiences that followed and that I share with you in this book.

For as long as I can remember, I have been an open channel absorbing, seeing, hearing and feeling all different energies, such as other people’s thoughts, emotions, spirits and land energy. All of this made me extremely sensitive. I had no idea this was happening to me or what was going on. I just thought it was normal to be on this borderline “I’m going crazy” rollercoaster. 

Now, I know the difference between my energy and someone else’s, as well as my true soul’s frequency and tone. I have learnt to deeply connect with the earth and the now moment while still moving through time and space freely.

Through these experiences, I have learnt to master timeline shifting, folding time, instant manifestations, miracles and magic.

When you notice the signs and synchronicity, it allows you to follow the breadcrumbs that your future self has put out for you. It also allows you to trust, surrender, and detach from fears and emotions holding you to your current timeline or un-preferred reality.

I plan to take you on a journey of wonder to show you a perspective of things we are experiencing without always knowing it.

You have the power to create the experience you desire by connecting with the future timeline that aligns with your true soul’s expression and frequency.

This book has been a thought, a feeling and a knowing for twenty years. A moment in time that I knew would manifest, but I often wondered if it ever would.

When you align with your divine timing and lean into the path of least resistance, you become deeply in tune with your soul’s consciousness.

When you experience this life from the perspective of your soul consciousness, you can experience all timelines at once while having the power and connection to be in this moment.

You free yourself from endless time loops and move through space and time with ease. f. This allows you to do what you came here to do and have a fun time doing it.

My intention in sharing these stories and experiences with you is to help you open yourself up to the possibility of living your life differently and manifest your desires. 

Disclaimer: None of the contents in this book teaches you ThetaHealing® or how to do ThetaHealing®. If you want to know more about ThetaHealing Technique, please refer to Vianna Stibal’s official website ThetaHealing.com. 

Alternatively, you can contact me if you want to take an official ThetaHealing® class with me as your instructor.

–Skylie Cash